659900, Russia, Altai region, Belokurikha, Breslavsky, 22
At the moment there is no public transport route from Belokurikha to the complex. If you did not come to Belokurikha by car, we recommend that you pre-order a transfer to the complex or use a taxi.
You can get by your own car in two ways:
The first way and the most preferable for people making a trip from Biysk through the entertainment complex "Siberian Compound". 57 kilometers along the Biysk-Belokurikha highway. Turning to the right onto Soloneshenskiy tract, you must overcome 7.25 kilometers, where there is a left turn. Further 9.2 kilometers you follow the road, heading south.
After passing the indicated distance, you turn right at the crossroads, towards the village. Ulyanovka (the road goes straight to Belokurikha). Further 1.6 kilometers you move through a small village, passing which you turn south, onto the Belokurikhinsky serpentine, 7.7 kilometers long, and a vertical drop of 420 meters.
The second way is directly from the city of Belokurikha. From the traffic light on the central street of Academician Myasnikov, drive along Partizanskaya, Obyezdnaya, Molodezhnaya streets. Then turn left at the signs "Belokurikha 2" to Ulyanovka (Centralnaya street), and then immediately along the main road to the left into the mountains.